3 Products That Help Close Hair Cuticle You Can Try At Home
The cuticle is known as a transparent keratin layer, stacked like fish scales.
The cuticle works to prevent the penetration of water and chemicals while protecting the inner parts of the hair from external influences.
It acts as a protective barrier, preventing the water and protein inside the hair from being lost. In addition, on the surface of the cells makes cuticles that contain fat, so each makes the hair smoother.
In short, the cuticles play a key role in protecting and maintaining the beauty of hair.
In this article, let’s find out a damaged hair cuticle, as well as some ways to seal the cuticles to make your hair look shinier and softer.
See also: How to fix damaged top layer of hair?
What does a damaged hair cuticle look like?

The cuticles use a bond called the Velcro bond to hold the hair strands on the follicle. It controls the movement of moisture between the cuticles and the cortex.
Although the cuticle does it naturally, the effects of changing weather and chemical composition can also influence the change in the process.
Environmental influences such as heat, UV rays, friction, or the use of high pH hair products are also the culprits for damaged hair cuticles.
When the hair cuticle (the outer surface of the hair strand) is damaged, they open up and the hair looks dull and frizzy, feeling brittle and rough, and tangles easily.
What products help close hair cuticle?
Besides spending large sums of money going to hair salons and asking experts to restore damaged hair, now you can do it at home with natural, safe ingredients, and cheap.
Method 1: Use the avocado
Avocados are a good source of proteins, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Applying this method can fix your dry and broken hair well.
Things you’ll need:
- An avocado
- A chicken egg
- Step 1: Mash a ripe avocado and mix it with a chicken egg.
- Step 2: Wet the hair and apply the mixture to the hair.
- Step 3: Leave the mixture on your head for at least 20 minutes.
- Step 4: Rinse with lukewarm water several times. You can do this for weeks or a month.
Method 2: Use olive oil
Since olive oil contains a large number of antioxidants, omega, and fatty acids, it can nourish damaged hair and treat dandruff very well.
In addition, olive oil also helps stimulate new hair to grow faster, replacing damaged hair.
Things you’ll need:
- Olive oil
- A cup or bowl
- Plastic bag or shower cap
- Micro stove
- Step 1: Take an adequate amount of olive oil into a cup or bowl and put it in the micro stove to warm up. Note do not boil it.
- Step 2: Rub olive oil over the curls.
- Step 3: Wrap your hair in a plastic bag or shower cap.
- Step 4: Leave for 45 minutes, then wash and rinse completely.
Note: You also can combine banana and olive oil to moisturize the hair and heal the damage.
Method 3: Use an apple cider vinegar mask
Vinegar can create a protective seal for cuticles. An apple cider vinegar mask will help restore and leave hair soft.
Things you’ll need:
- Apple cider vinegar
- Olive oil
- Egg whites
- Step 1: Create a mixture of apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and egg whites in a ratio of 1: 2: 3.
- Step 2: Then rub it into the hair and leave for 30 minutes
- Step 3: Shampoo and rinse the hair as usual. (You should use the shampoos & conditioners for dry damaged hair)
In contrast to the above methods, you can use a developer when dyeing or a toner after bleaching to open up your hair cuticles if you want your color hair stays longer.
How do you check hair cuticles?
We still feel the hair cuticle every day. Now, if you want to feel and check the condition of your hair cuticles, just use your hands.
You pinch a single long hair between your fingers starting up near the root.
Then, slowly pull your hair between your fingers and feel how slick and smooth it is.
As you move from root to tip of your hair, you are running your fingers in the same direction as the cuticle layers.
Does aloe vera close hair cuticles?
Aloe vera is also a great choice in skincare and beauty treatments. But maybe a few people know aloe vera also has a positive effect on damaged hair.
Because the pH inside aloe vera is the same as your hair (around a 4.5 pH), it is also considered perfect for closing the cuticles of your hair – the very outer layer of the hair that allows moisture and products to be absorbed into the hair shaft.
Does vinegar seal hair cuticle?
In natural hair care methods, certainly, nothing can compare with vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar.
With a low pH level and acid content, apple cider vinegar is exactly the right substance to incorporate into your regular hair care routine.
Thanks to its acidic pH, apple cider vinegar provides a great aid to seal cuticles and enables the hair to retain more moisture leaving it hydrated and shiny looking.
Vinegar is also a perfect choice for lightening and detox hair.
Does conditioner close hair cuticle?
Conditioner is also rated as one of the great treatments for damaged hair.
It exerts such a strong attraction that the surfactants completely surround the hair strand and cover the cuticle flakes.
Although when you use a small amount of acid in conditioner during shampooing, it can also make the cuticles to fall tightly together and make hair soft again, even after you rinse the conditioner out.
Final Words
Above are some suggested methods to repair your hair cuticles at home. We hope this article was helpful and provides more about useful home remedies to recover and bring your hair back to life.

Founder & Hair Beauty Specialist
I’m Aida and this is my blog where I write mostly about beauty and make up related stuff, but I like to spice it up a bit with lifestyle and photography posts. Or with whatever that comes to my mind. Hope you will enjoy the reading enough that we will ‘see’ each other more often!