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Can I Use Vinegar To Lighten My Hair? And How To Use It Properly

You may have heard of the many wonderful uses of vinegar for hair care and repair.

In particular, vinegar can be a perfect choice for brightening and conditioning hair. It is also a popular and inexpensive ingredient used by many people to lighten hair at home.

You will not need to spend too much money to dye at the salon. Instead, with vinegar, you can still easily achieve brighter and shinier hair color.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how to apply vinegar to your hair and suggest the best vinegar for your hair lightening.

See also: What Happens If You Put Vinegar In Your Hair?

Can I use vinegar to lighten my hair?

Vinegar can completely help lighten your hair.

Apple cider vinegar, in particular, is said to be a winner in hair care. Using one dose of apple cider vinegar, it not only helps to gently lighten your hair but also dissolves the oil and residue that builds up in your hair and scalp.

The combination between six parts of water (eg chlorine) and one part of apple cider vinegar is a gentle way to lighten strands, remove buildup.

However, it may take a few attempts to get the results. Besides, apple cider vinegar is also effective in messing and curling your hair.


How long does it take for the vinegar to lighten hair?

Usually, when applying apple cider vinegar to your hair, it may take a few times for the hair to light up.

However, according to vloger Sarah Williams, she claims that plain vinegar and honey work to lighten hair in as little as 10 minutes. You can even apply this method at night and comfortably sleep your way to the natural highlight.

Can I leave white vinegar in my hair overnight?

You are advised to use white vinegar in detox stages which is the mixture of vinegar rinsing with shampoo. You should still leave it on your hair for at least a few minutes before rinsing.

Especially, when you use white vinegar at a safe ratio for your hair, you can leave it on overnight without worrying about damaged hair. It can also help keep your hair from tangling.

Does vinegar harm hair?

The vinegar won’t damage your hair; however, it also makes your hair dry and breakage more likely if overused. Because the pH level is slightly more acidic than apple cider vinegar, you must dilute it with more water.

The proportion of ¼ cup white distilled vinegar and ½ amount of filtered water, then apply to wet hair and don’t use it more than once a week.

What type of vinegar best for lightening my hair?

According to blogger Carlynn at JJBegonia, the best method to lighten hair is a combination of apple cider vinegar and chamomile. This perfect combination will work to lighten the locks naturally.

Additionally, she explains that apple cider vinegar helps balance the pH of hair no matter the texture.

How to use: You can make a mixture of 1/4 cup chamomile tea, 1/4 cup ACV, and lemon juice in a bowl or spray bottle. With this safe method, you can leave it as long as all day.

In particular, you can speed up the lightening process by going out in the sun. Note that the smell of the vinegar will dissolve immediately, so don’t worry.

Above is the information we have gathered to help you resolve any concerns and doubts about the hair-lightening effects of vinegar. Thereby, you can know that you can absolutely apply vinegar to hair lightening without worrying about hair damage when using the right amount and proportion.

See also:



I’m Aida and this is my blog where I write mostly about beauty & make up related stuff, but I like to spice it up a bit with lifestyle and photography posts. Or with whatever that comes to my mind. Hope you will enjoy the reading enough that we will ‘see’ each other more often!

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